Risk Factors For Chronic Pain

Risk Factors For Chronic Pain

Hello there! Do you know natural factors, diseases, or injuries can cause chronic pain? Various reasons cause chronic pain. It can be caused by injury, disease, and or genetic factors.

Chronic pain is complex and can be misunderstood. When living with chronic pain, the level of pain can change every day. Some claim that their level of pain varies significantly from hour to hour.

This explains why chronic pain can seriously interrupt a person’s life. Some people only experience pain signals when engaging in specific activities. But for others, the pain is persistent. And it can significantly affect one’s physical and mental health.

The pain’s intensity, frequency, duration, and location can vary among individuals. Chronic pain is different for every individual. Chronic pain treatment plans must be after the needs of their patients.

Chronic Therapy is a pain management network. They help you effectively manage chronic pain using medical marijuana. In addition, they link you up with health professionals that look out for your overall health.

In Australia, 3 out of 10 adults with chronic pain use medical cannabis. It helps them with treating chronic pain symptoms.

Majority of people who that medical cannabis switch from other painkillers. Many healthcare providers prescribing opioids now give medical cannabis to patients. It helps treat depression.

In addition, Chronic therapy helps ensure your psychological and emotional well-being. Chronic pain affects day to day life of patients. Let’s consider the meaning of chronic pain before looking at the causes and risk factors. In this article, we discuss what is chronic pain and how to treat chronic pain.

What is Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is used to describe any acute pain that’s persistent. Chronic pain lasts more than three months. People develop chronic pain for various reasons. Underlying health issues, injury, nerve damage, sciatica, and more can cause it.

Acute pain is our body’s normal response to an injury. So when our body heals, there will be some pain. However, this isn’t supposed to last forever, so if the pain persists for over three months, it’s classified as chronic.

Chronic pain can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Not only that, but chronic pain can also affect people on a personal level, getting in the way of their relationships and causing a sense of loneliness and isolation.

Many people with chronic pain can live full, happy, and prosperous lives. Doing this can take time, but it involves understanding when to ask for help, looking for pain management methods that work for you, and pacing yourself when performing physical activities.

Remember, you don’t have to suffer from chronic pain alone, and asking a health professional for advice on how to manage chronic pain is the first step if you want to treat chronic pain.

Many Australians experience chronic pain and other medical conditions. And this ongoing pain can be mild or severe. But, in most cases, it can cause depression and mental health issues.

Some experience heart attacks, which is a greater risk. People with chronic pain experience adverse effects on their general health and social life.

The normal healing time is supposed to be about 2 to 3 weeks. Injury normally heals with pain signals. But it goes away on its own.

There are different types of chronic pain treatment. Chronic pain treatment includes treating depression with tricyclic antidepressants—also, medical cannabis as pain relief.

Chronic pain treatment is complex. Pain medication is not the only way to get chronic pain treated.

Causes of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can have various causes. For example, chronic pain may start from an injury or illness. But after recovery, chronic pain remains.

Chronic pain is often the result of an underlying condition. However, many people with chronic pain can’t precisely pinpoint the cause. This makes it hard to manage your pain.

This is why a team of professionals or a pain specialist is crucial in finding ways to help create a treatment plan for your condition designed to manage chronic pain.

 In other cases, there may be other causes of ongoing pain. For example, it may be cancer or arthritis. However, many Australians suffer chronic pain without past health conditions or illnesses.

Since chronic pain is a complex condition, there are many reasons people suffer from pain disorders. Therefore, it is crucial to be correctly diagnosed by a healthcare professional. This is because chronic pain causes may be underlying illnesses like cancer.

In addition, are cases of chronic non-cancer pain that aren’t caused by a disease. But stem from injuries, stress, or scoliosis. Chronic pain can be caused by the following:

Furthermore, chronic pain can be caused by underlying diseases. It may be osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia. Persistent pain may also be a result of ailments. They may include cancer, stomach ulcer, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, and gallbladder disease.

In many cases, the source of chronic pain can be very complex. Most times, it can start with an injury or illness. However, ongoing pain can develop psychologically after the physical condition has healed.

Chronic pain is a complex and largely misunderstood condition. When dealing with chronic pain, the severity of the pain can vary daily. In addition, some people report that their pain can vary greatly hour by hour, which is why chronic pain can be very disruptive to a person’s life.

Some people only get pain signals when performing certain activities. But for others, the pain is persistent, which can significantly affect one’s physical and mental health.

The pain’s frequency, intensity, duration, and location can vary from person to person. In addition, chronic pain is different for every individual, so treatment plans must be tailored to their needs.

What Are The Risk Factors Of Chronic Pain?

Many health conditions or injuries can cause chronic pain. There are several risk factors for experiencing it. Risk factors that predispose to chronic pain include:


Most chronic pain causes that cause psychogenic pain, and migraines are genetic


Obesity worsens certain health conditions that cause chronic pain. For example, health conditions like arthritis cause pain by putting extra pressure on the joints.


People that are older are likely to experience chronic pain. For example, they experience pain from arthritis and neuropathy.

Previous Injury

Past Injury can lead to traumatic injury. In addition, this injury can lead to chronic pain in the future.

Strenuous Physical Activities

Physically strenuous jobs can cause chronic pain. Also, engaging in too much physical activity can cause chronic pain.


Stress is a major cause of chronic pain. It is connected to both frequent stress and post-traumatic stress disorder.


People that smoke are at greater risk of developing medical conditions that can lead to chronic pain.

Unknown Causes Of Chronic Pain

They may include;

  • Poor posture over a prolonged period
  • Improper carrying and lifting of heavy objects and load
  • Obesity, overweight, puts excess strain on the back and knee
  • Congenital conditions like the curvature of the spine
  • Traumatic injury
  • Wearing uncomfortable high heels
  • Sleeping on a poor beds and wrong sleeping position
  • No obvious physical cause
  • Spine aging caused by degenerative changes


There are lots of factors that can cause chronic pain. So visit the pain clinic today and get a diagnosis on the possible cause of chronic pain. And start management and treatment immediately. Early chronic pain treatment is the best way to pain management.

People developing chronic pain should not rely on self-management. Instead, they should also seek medical treatments to relieve pain.

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